
Now Browsing Entries Tagged Programming

Web Portfolio
As part of my programming experience, one small accomplishment I'm quite proud of is this portfolio. I programmed all (most) of it from scratch out of PHP and MySQL, and it was a long arduous process of failures and successes. The first biggest failure was the inability to run a webserver off of my Raspberry Pi without the MySQL corrupting on the server's shutdown.

I designed the site around the idea of simplicity. I'm a programmer, not an artist, per say; thereby, it needed a simple layout where everything can be easily found. One of the features I was adamant about adding was a tag system. I wanted to create a relation ship between different project that could be easily explained, say if I developed a map that had coding built in, I could post it as both Map Design and Programming.

Coming from a Games and Simulations Programming degree, I found it rather difficult trying to comprehend how such a system worked; however, it hit me when I realized that a web site does not have to be highly efficient like a game. In short, the tag system consists of two tables, tag definitions (tag names and ids) and a table of links (an entry id linked to a tag id). So simple.
Originally Posted On Thursday 03rd of July 2014 04:57:41 PM GMT

Programming Added
Just created the 'Programming' tag, please wait as content is added.
Originally Posted On Monday 23rd of June 2014 08:45:48 PM GMT